
Embracing the Future: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business Analysis

Kenneth Gray

Revolutionising Task Execution

Data gathering, analysis, and reporting are typical tasks for business analysts. AI could automate these tedious procedures, changing Business Analysts' workflows.

1. Automated Data Analysis: AI, especially machine learning algorithms such as Tableau and Power BI, can quickly and correctly discover patterns, trends, and insights in massive volumes of data. Business Analysts’ can handle larger and more complicated data sets and analyse data faster and more accurately.

2. Predictive Analytics: AI can forecast based on data patterns. Predictive analytics forecasts future trends using statistical algorithms mixed with internal and external data, allowing organisations to optimise inventories, improve delivery times, enhance sales, and, ultimately, cut operational costs. When combined with AI, the insights gained from these advanced systems will be the key to BAs future in having more accurate and timely forecasting.

3. AI-powered report generation saves Business Analysts time. BAs may focus on interpretation and decision-making with these visual and interactive reports.

Redefining the Role of Business Analysts

Business analysts are becoming more strategic and consultative as AI automates basic tasks.

1. Strategic Advisor: With AI handling data analysis, Business Analysts may focus on impact / risk assessment and strategic advice to decision-makers such as PESTLE and VMOST analysis.

2. Change Management: As organisations implement AI technologies, business analysts are increasingly needed to help stakeholders understand and adapt to the changes. This could lead to BA’s putting more emphasis on requirements analysis and management.

3. Ethics and Governance: As AI spreads, ethics, privacy, and governance become more important. Business Analysts can help overcome these issues by using AI ethically especially when harvesting stakeholder perspectives.

Upskilling for the AI Era

Business Analysts require new skills and competences to react to AI-driven transformations.

1. AI Literacy - Business Analysts need to understand AI, machine learning, and data science. This helps them understand and use AI tools.

2. Soft Skills: Business Analysts need leadership, relationship building, and communication as their work grows more strategic.

3. Continuous Learning: AI evolves quickly. Business Analysts must always learn to keep up with AI developments and technologies through online training and personal studies.


AI will change Business Analysis roles and skills. Business Analysts should expand their strategic value and influence with AI. Business Analysts can lead this exciting new business era by embracing AI.