
Leveraging VMOST Analysis for Strategic Alignment

Kenneth Gray

Understanding VMOST

 VMOST analysis helps organisations align projects and initiatives with strategic goals of the business. When these elements are aligned, the probability of project success is considerably higher..

1. Vision

The vision is the overall picture. It defines the the organisation's target state with no regard to how that state will  be achieved. The next element, Mission, helps realise how the target state will be achieved. 

Usage for Business Analysts (BAs): Business Analysts(BAs) use the Vision to better understand the company's direction and inspiration. It aids in the definition of project scopes that are in line with the broader goals the organisation.

Assessment: A clear vision serves as a compass. A universally understood vision among business staff could be a strength in this area, but a vague or non-inspirational vision could be a weakness.

2. Mission

The Vision is the destination, but the Mission is the organisation's purpose - the reason why the organisation exists.

Usage for BAs: BAs use the Mission to validate that projects support the core values and purpose of the organization. The mission should underpin all initiatives.

Assessment: A mission that inspires business staff and customers is a strength, but an outdated or irrelevant mission is a drawback.


3. Objectives

Objectives are measurable steps to achieve the vision. They are clear, quantifiable targets.

Usage for BAs: BAs break down objectives into actionable items, ensuring they are aligned to the Vision and Mission, and crucially, are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound).

Assessment: Strengths include clear and concise objectives, whereas weaknesses might emerge if objectives are ambiguous or unrealistic.


4. Strategy

The strategy is the long-term plan to achieve the vision, mission and objectives. It's an overview of how the organisation plans to reach its goals.

Use for BAs: BAs use the strategy to guarantee projects are aligned with the the business's strategic approach. They help refine or realign strategy based on business' conditions and internal capabilities.

Assessment: A strategy that capitalises on market gaps or internal strengths could be a strength. Weaknesses could include a strategy that ignores market reality or internal constraints.


5. Tactics

These are the daily actions and operational tasks that support the execution of the strategy. 

Usage for BAs: BAs frequently work at the tactical level, ensuring that everyday operations and projects are in line with the overall strategy. Based on their findings, they make recommendations for improving tactics.

Assessment: Possessing agile, efficient operations that can pivot as necessary may be a strength. If tactics are misaligned with the strategy or ineffective, weaknesses may emerge.


The Value of VMOST in Strategy Analysis

When BAs utilise VMOST, they can ensure that projects and initiatives have a direct line of sight to the organisation's overarching strategy. This is especially helpful for evaluating the internal environment, strengths, and weaknesses:

Internal Environment Analysis: VMOST provides a method for assessing the alignment of an organization's initiatives, culture, operations, and resources with its strategic goals. Additionally, it aids to identify areas where alignment is lacking.

Strengths and Weaknesses: By dissecting each component of VMOST, BAs can identify multiple levels of strengths and weaknesses, from the overarching vision to the day-to-day tactics. This ensures a holistic approach to internal strategic assessment.



VMOST is not merely a string of corporate buzzwords; it is a useful analytical instrument. Understanding and utilising VMOST enables Business Analysts to ensure that projects contribute meaningfully to the organisation's broader strategic journey, in addition to being completed efficiently. By continuously evaluating and aligning these five elements, BAs can assist businesses in achieving sustainable success.